Yogurt Rotiboy

I just had  a Rotiboy. It tasted less tasty from the last time I ate it. I don't know if I have forgotten the original taste because the last time I ate it was months ago. I believe rotiboy is from either Indonesia or Malaysia, because...yeah I just have that feeling.

Add kiwis, mangoes, choc chips, choc sprinkles. Tell me this is not going to be good.

For yogurt, no. For Indonesian. Appreciate all the yogurts here because don't lie to me, it's all so good. Sadly the price, which doesn't allow me to buy as often as I want. So all the stalls had no choice but close down their business. Well I didn't buy it so often wasn't the only reason they chose to close hoho. I don't know about the other cities but here, where I live, it's like empty. They had like 3 customers a day. That saddened me. The yogurt tastes delicious and why no customers at all? Plus the stall I happened to visit just 3 times offered tv which shows Korean music show.

Haha yes I bought the yogurt just to watch that music show and we were sitting exactly in front of the tv so it was obvious for the waitresses and they kept staring at us. OH maybe that's the reason their stall was so empty, the previous customers felt uncomfortable plus it was so quiet and empty so that just made scarier atmosphere.

I talk nonsense.... Okay the reason I'm writing this yogurt thing because I recently read foreigners blog and they said they like the frozen yogurt here. That's it? No...But yes actually

Initially I wanted to write something that related to what I write above but this is already long. The topic I wanted to write was definitely gonna be long long long and serious so maybe I'll tell it the next post or I'm just gonna save it in my mind.

This entry was posted on 7/9/11 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

5 Responses to “Yogurt Rotiboy”

Aisya Saraswati said...

Hahaha... i remind it !!,on margo city,right? but now The place was closed,i think they can't sell yogurt well because their place is so far to visit many people and The price is very expensive for students so we bought one yogurt and eat together hahaha...

Nadia A said...

Yes, we only bought 1, it's kinda embarrassing hahaha but I'm really disappointed they had to close down. They should have lowered the price instead of closing down lol

Aisya Saraswati said...

hahaha... yes u right,but i think J.co's yogurt has better price than one ,and about taste isn't different ,right ?

Nadia A said...

ha? haha pokoknya gue suka semua frozen yogurt yg enak :p kalo harga gak ngaruh yg penting dibeliin hoho

Aisya Saraswati said...

dasar :P, klau kyk begitu gw juga mau wkwkwkwk...