An ambivert

Today I officially know one more thing about myself. 

I'm an ambivert. 

In school days, particularly in senior high school, I know almost every student in the same year as me. I know a lot of seniors too. For juniors, well, I don't really pay attention to juniors lol. But everything changed when I entered college. I've been known as an introvert by people that I know, only my close friends know that I'm not that anti-social.

On working days, I look forward so much to weekends, so that I can be lazily lying on my bed, do nothing, and recharge myself. I always look for my time alone, doing what I want to do, like reading or learning something. HOWEVER. If I'm being alone for too long, it's just doesn't feel right and I can't take it. I'd become uring-uringan

I need to go outside, explore, and meet people. But at the same time, I don't like wasting too much time and energy with my friends where I should've been using the time for doing something productive (and doing something productive requires me to be alone). Like, it's a loop, you know? 

And honestly, I don't know how to handle this ambivert-ness.

Whatever. At least I know something about myself now. 

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