it's been difficult.
You can't control your emotions.
You are trapped, not knowing where to go.
I miss the time when the words just flow in my head
Now I don't even know how to start.
I miss the time when I can say all of my thoughts and worries right away in my blog.
I don't even write now.
When I was younger I wrote more, sometimes I even put writing as my speciality.
Now? I don't write. My English skills got worsen too.
I don't even know why
I can't stop
and I can't start
I can't focus
I can't keep continue
I'm trying
But this feeling.... I am controlled by my emotion
I need a way out
I need to meet people
I need a motivation, a pressure.
Someone, rely on me
So I can help and focus on to you
Because it's what has been keeping me alive.
Doing something for people
Is my reason to live.

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